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Cornerstone Content Studio

Curation made easy with Content Studio

An AI/ML content discovery, curation, and insights platform that connects your content to your organizational goals.
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Find and deliver the right content to your people

Easily find relevant content

Easily find relevant content

Save time by using AI/ML technology to accelerate finding the right content for the right audience.

Ensure content alignment

Ensure content alignment

With Content Studio, you can simplify and analyze how you curate content based on your organizational needs.

Tie content to skills

Tie content to skills

Connect your people to content that grows the skills they want and the skills your organization needs.

Build data-first programs

Build data-first programs

Understand how well your learning initiatives are performing and then adapt them to your people.

Content discovery and curation, streamlined

Gain a better understanding of what Cornerstone Content Subscriptions offers by exploring and experiencing the content before distributing it to your people.
Search, browse, and consume content

Real-life success stories from Cornerstone customers

Real-life success stories from Cornerstone customers

We were drawn to Content Studio to support our journey of learning and talent enablement. Having a seamless tool to explore and curate content that promotes the growth of a large, diverse, retail workforce is a priority. Content Studio empowers leaders and administrators to be future-forward, explore what’s possible, make informed purchasing decisions, and ultimately connect development goals with our company vision.
Whole Foods
Erica Keller
Learning Technology Analyst, Whole Foods
Cornerstone is more than a product, we're your partner.

Cornerstone is more than a product, we're your partner.

For more than two decades, we've been at the forefront of talent and people innovation, helping our customers stay ahead of the curve. Our team of experts deeply understands your unique talent challenges and opportunities with an unwavering focus on our customers' success. Together, we will work hand-in-hand with you to deliver extraordinary experiences and the results that matter to your organization.

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Talk to a Cornerstone expert about your organization’s unique people management needs.